NEW YORK (CNN) - In all my career, I've never experienced anything like the last few days... I'm no stranger to controversy, but taking on the language of the politically correct, and trying to find the best description and name for those who would destroy us has been extraordinary.
You've written thousands of e-mails and made hundreds of phone calls in just the past day supporting my view that we must accurately name our enemies, and deal honestly with the forces that would destroy us. The phrase "War against Islamists" has drawn overwhelming support... from scholars, and perhaps surprisingly to some critics, from Muslims, who find the term allows us to differentiate the extremists from the broader references to Muslims or even Muslim Fundamentalists.
We'll continue to discuss this matter, and we'll continue to refine the language, and we won't be using war on terror anymore.... and we'll get to where we're headed, that is to honest statement of who our enemies are. We want to continue this dialogue, and your thoughts on the issue are welcome. This war we're engaged in can't be allowed to claim truth as a victim, and it won't. And I want you to know that I'm very appreciative of this network's management and their support in the effort. And I can't express how grateful I am for your kind words and support...