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Tyson adds prayers to protein
Chicken, beef and pork marketer begins offering free downloadable prayer books on its web site.
December 7, 2005: 11:24 AM EST

NEW YORK ( - Tyson Foods has begun adding a dose of meal-time religion to its meat offerings, posting downloadable prayer booklets on its web site.

The booklets offer pre-meal recitations across different religious faiths, and the company has done extensive market research on the prayers over the last two years, according to Ad Age magazine.

The move is an effort to portray the company as faith-friendly to the 95 percent of Americans who believe in a higher power.

"People are not just buying our products, they're buying us," Bob Corscadden, Tyson's Chief Marketing Officer, told Ad Age. "They're spending more and more time looking on the Internet and elsewhere to find out, 'what does this company stand for.'"

Tyson's Chairman-CEO, John Tyson, battled drug and alcohol addiction before becoming a born-again Christian, according to Ad Age.

Among the many phrases the company offers is, "Good food, Good treats, Good God, Let's eat!"


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Tyson Foods Incorporated
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