Twitter chief Jack Dorsey will testify before Congress in two weeks

Twitter CEO: 'I haven't done enough' to be transparent
Twitter CEO: 'I haven't done enough' to be transparent

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey will face a grilling from a Congressional panel in two weeks about the platform's algorithms and how it monitors content.

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce said in a tweet Friday that Dorsey will testify September 5. Republican Greg Walden of Oregon, who chairs the House commerce committee, said in a statement he looks "forward to Mr. Dorsey being forthright," during his testimony.

"Twitter is an incredibly powerful platform that can change the national conversation in the time it takes a tweet to go viral," the statement reads. "When decisions about data and content are made using opaque processes, the American people are right to raise concerns."

Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The hearing comes as Twitter and other tech giants, like Facebook, face scrutiny over their handling of attempts by Russia to spread misinformation in order to meddle in US elections.

President Donald Trump and other members of the Republican party have frequently accused social media companies of censorship and discriminating against conservative viewpoints. Trump on Friday claimed in a tweet that social media companies are "silencing millions of people."

In an interview with CNN last week, Dorsey said that Twitter does not target people based on their political ideologies.

"We are not. Period," Dorsey told CNN's Brian Stelter. "We do not look at content with regards to political viewpoint or ideology. We look at behavior."

Dorsey also plan to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee next month, alongside Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.

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