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New Delhi shops reopen after bombings

Terrorists blamed for pre-festival attacks which killed 59





New Delhi (India)
Acts of terror

NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Stores in Indian marketplaces struck by deadly explosions reopened for business as New Delhi residents cautiously resumed their lives and prepare for Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights.

At least 59 people were killed and 210 wounded Saturday when three blasts struck through the city -- two at crowded marketplaces and one on a bus in a residential neighborhood.

Government officials called the blasts the work of terrorists, but named no groups. Police offered a reward -- the equivalent of $2,300 -- for information leading to the arrest of those responsible.

"It's a very sad day for all of us because Delhi is celebrating a festive season," Delhi's chief minister, Sheila Dikshit, told CNN.

"We are resolute in our commitment to fighting terror in all forms," said Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

"I am confident that the people of India have the will, capacity and resolution to win the war against terrorism."

On Sunday, police said it was premature to comment about any responsible party, and that no one has been detained.

Indian police said they were investigating reports of a group called Islami Inqalabi Mahaz, which reportedly contacted media in Indian-controlled Kashmir to claim responsibility for the blasts.

Ajai Sahni, an expert on terrorism in south Asia, told CNN that Inqalabi Mahaz is likely a front group for the better-known terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which has been known for carrying out previous attacks.

Singh, who blamed the attacks at crowded markets on terrorists, held a cabinet meeting Sunday.

Indian authorities had warned of the possibility of violence during the festival. Such warnings have become standard in recent years.

"This kind of cynical attack on the people of India is just not acceptable," Singh's media adviser, Dr. Sanjay Baru, told CNN.

Neighbor Pakistan strongly condemned the attack.

"The people and the government of Pakistan are shocked at this barbaric act and we express deep sympathy with the families of the victims," Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam told CNN.

Pakistan and India have fought two wars over the disputed territory of Kashmir, which is claimed by both, but in recent years have made bids at peace.

Despite the weekend attacks, India and Pakistan agreed Saturday to open five crossings along the Line of Control in Kashmir, in an effort to aid victims of the October 8 earthquake.

The explosions were at three locations in Delhi: two marketplaces and on a bus in the neighborhood of Govindpuri. There were no fatalities on the bus because its driver and conductor, after seeing a suspicious black bag, began herding passengers off, police said.

Authorities were asking Sunday for people on that bus to come forward with any information.

Dikshit said at least 31 people died at the Sarojini Nagar marketplace in central Delhi, while the others were killed at the Paharganj marketplace, both packed with people preparing for India's largest festival.

The blasts triggered fears throughout the capital, shattering some of the festive atmosphere.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice offered her condolences in a written statement Saturday night.

"The United States condemns the multiple terror attacks in New Delhi, India," she said.

"These acts are made more heinous in that they deliberately targeted innocent civilians preparing for holiday celebrations. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims."

Indian officials urged people not to panic but to avoid crowded areas.

A man who owns a store near the Sarojini Nagar market said he noticed an abandoned bag sitting near his store around 6 p.m. (0030 GMT) and warned people to get away. As people scattered, the owner said the bag exploded, gutting several stores and causing a fire that spread to other buildings.

There was a stampede as people in the crowded market tried to escape, and authorities said many women and children were injured.

Fireworks are often set off in advance of Diwali, so many people initially believed the blasts were firecrackers.

Delhi was the site of a deadly parliament attack in December 2001, which Indians blamed on Islamic militants backed by Pakistan, which denied the charge.

The parliament attack led to a military standoff by both nuclear-armed nations at their borders.

CNN's John Raedler and Ram Ramgopal in New Delhi and Syed Mohsin Naqvi in Islamabad contributed to this report.

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