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Mosul attacks kill 33 in one day

Baghdad deputy chief of police assassinated


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BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Three suicide bombings targeting Iraqi military and police stations killed 15 police officers and 18 civilians Sunday in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, U.S. military officials said.

The attack capped a deadly weekend in Mosul, Iraq's third-largest city, where insurgent violence has flared periodically since November.

Sixteen civilian laborers died Sunday morning in a blast in the parking lot of the Kasak army post, the U.S. military said.

A bombing at a police post outside Mosul's Jamahoori Hospital killed five police officers, military spokesmen said.

A bomb hidden under a pile of watermelons in a truck outside the al-Toob police station in western Mosul killed 10 police officers and two civilians, Iraqi police and U.S. military spokesmen said.

Despite the attacks, "policemen in Mosul have continued to man their posts," the U.S. military said. Most of Mosul's police force abandoned their posts after a series of attacks in mid-November.

The string of bombings began Saturday night when a suicide car bomb targeting an Iraqi police convoy killed seven people, U.S. military officials said.

Deadly attacks in Baghdad

In Baghdad, attacks in two neighborhoods have killed four Iraqi civilians, police told CNN.

A bomb exploded Monday morning in front of the council office for the northern neighborhood of al-Adhamiya, killing a man and wounding his wife. Police said the attack took place around 9:30 a.m. (1:30 a.m. EDT).

About 11 hours earlier, gunmen killed three people after opening fire on a barbershop in the southeastern neighborhood of al-Jadida. Police said attackers then placed a bomb inside the shop and blew it up before making their escape. Three bodies charred bodies were found inside.

Al-Jadida is a section of Baghdad where Christians, and Sunni and Shiite Muslims live together.

Earlier Sunday, Deputy Police Chief Col. Riyadh Abdulkrim was killed when gunmen opened fire while he was driving to work in southeast Baghdad's Mashtal neighborhood, police said.

In another attack in the capital, two mortar rounds slammed into a residential area near a fire station in the eastern Baladiyat neighborhood, killing two Iraqi civilians and wounding two others, Iraqi police said Sunday.

In southern Baghdad, two mortars wounded two workers at a power station in the Dora neighborhood, police said.

Talks with Sunni Arabs

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the commander of U.S. forces in the region danced around questions about a report in the Sunday Times of London that U.S. officials were negotiating with insurgent leaders for an end to violence and a timetable for U.S. troop withdrawal.

"I'm not sure that I would characterize it as a dialogue between U.S. officials and insurgents," Gen. John Abizaid, head of U.S. Central Command, said on CNN's "Late Edition."

"I would say that U.S. officials and Iraqi officials are looking for the right people in the Sunni community to talk to in order to ensure that the Sunni Arab community ... becomes part of the political process," Abizaid said.

"And clearly we know that the vast majority of the insurgents are from the Sunni Arab community."

Rumsfeld said U.S. officials are talking to "people all across the spectrum, insurgents and opponents, people kind of leaning that way, people in the middle, people leaning toward the government and then the government."

"The goal is to get everyone moving in the right direction towards the government," he told ABC News. "There's all kinds of talks going on, and that's a good thing."

The two men carried similar messages on Sunday talk shows -- that the United States would beat the insurgency, that the press is reporting only negative things about the war and that a timetable for withdrawal would be a mistake.

Abizaid said the insurgency would fail, twice calling U.S. forces "the shield behind which politics take place."

"This is not a quagmire," he said. "It is a marathon, and we're at about the 21st mile."

But Rumsfeld said the "insurgency could go on for any number of years. Insurgencies tend to go on five, six, eight, 10, 12 years."

"Coalition forces, foreign forces are not going to repress that insurgency," he told Fox News. "We're going to create an environment that the Iraqi people and the Iraqi security forces can win."

U.S. soldier killed

A U.S. soldier was killed and two others were wounded Sunday when a roadside bomb exploded in Baghdad, the U.S. military said.

The death brought the number of U.S. troops killed in the Iraq war to 1,734, according to U.S. military reports.

The wounded soldiers' injuries were not considered to be life threatening, the military said.

Six hear charges

The Iraqi special tribunal said Sunday that six more former officials of the Saddam Hussein regime appeared before the court Monday to hear charges against them.

They included Watban Ibrahim al-Hassan and his brother Barzan Ibrahim al-Hassan -- who also are half-brothers of Saddam -- Latif Nusayif Jassim, Ayad Futayih Khalifa, Muhsin Khadher Abbas and Mohammed Zemam Abd al-Razaq.

The Hassan brothers are being investigated in the killing of Faili Kurds. Jassim -- a Baath Party deputy chairman -- will be investigated about alleged "ethnic cleansing" in the northern city of Kirkuk, as will Khalifa, Abbas and Razaq.

CNN's Jane Arraf, Jamie McIntyre and Mohammed Tawfeeq contributed to this report.

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