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Best stocks to own if you're betting on Obama

The presidential election is less than two months away, and the race is tight. But if you think President Obama will be re-elected, consider investing in these five sectors. Check out Romney stocks.

Exporters to China

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Both Obama and Romney are trying to crack down on China and its trade policies, but worries are growing that Romney would be too aggressive, and could launch a trade war against the second largest economy.

Business are concerned that Romney, who has attacked China for manipulating the value of its currency, could impose trade sanctions. That would raise the cost of goods U.S. companies import from China and also limit their growth opportunities.

U.S.-based companies have been rapidly expanding their consumer base in China, and are welcoming healthier profits thanks to it. Luxury companies like Coach (COH) and Tiffany (TIF) are particularly popular, along with automakers like Ford (F) and GM (GM).

As long as Obama is re-elected, analysts expect companies that generate a significant portion of their sales in China, to continue to do well. But the threat of a trade war that comes with a Romney win could give investors reason to pause.

Source: Getty
  @CNNMoneyInvest - Last updated September 21 2012 12:52 PM ET

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