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10 stocks we love

You definitely shouldn't left swipe Apple, FedEx, Southwest and these seven other stocks. They made us swoon and look like a great match for your portfolio.


loved stocks

What's not to love about the world's most valuable company?

Apple (AAPL) tops our list of 10 stocks we identified with attractive valuations, strong growth potential, low debt levels and a gift that keeps on giving ... a dividend.

Consumers (and investors) are smitten with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. They are a big reason why analysts expect earnings to soar more than 30% this year.

And with $178 billion in cash, Apple should have no problem continuing to invest on R&D and acquisitions to make sure it stays on top in tech -- while also rewarding investors with bigger dividends and stock buybacks.

  @lamonicabuzz - Last updated February 11 2015 06:29 AM ET

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