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You stole what? 7 bizarre items thieves love

The FBI estimates that retail crime costs the U.S. $30 billion a year, and some household items that people steal may surprise you.


stolen goods

What's better than the delicious chocolatey hazelnut spread? Apparently, not having to pay for it.

Back in April, German police reported that 5,000 jars of Nutella were stolen from a former railway station in Niederaula. The jars were valued at about $21,000.

But the Nutella snatching was also happening much closer to home. The Columbia Spectator, the student newspaper at New York's Columbia University, reported that the cafeteria was going though up to 100 pounds a day of Nutella when it first appeared in dining halls.

Vicki Dunn, executive director of dining services, told the paper that students were filling to-go cups with Nutella or even taking full jars with them. But within a few weeks, she said students slowed down on what they were making off with.

Whether it was fears of the Freshman 15 or guilty consciences that caused them to pull back, we'll never know.

  @emilyjanefox - Last updated June 12 2013 12:13 PM ET

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