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Crazy ways people are getting divorced

From flying to the Dominican Republic to hiring a private judge, some couples are finding new and creative ways to get divorced.

Fly to a foreign country

divorce in dr

Get a little beach time and end that pesky marriage? Getting divorced in paradise might sound appealing, but do your research before booking that plane ticket.

A variety of law firms and other businesses advertise the Dominican Republic as an ideal place for couples in search of quickie divorce proceedings because of the country's lax rules.

Foreigners can appear in front of a judge, as long as both parties agree to dissolve the marriage and at least one spouse appears at the hearing. (In that case, an attorney would represent the other party.)

But just because a divorce is legal on a tropical island, doesn't mean it is in your home state. Some states won't deem it valid at all, while others may have special criteria or procedures. The United States Embassy recommends that you contact an attorney to learn your state's rules before hopping on a plane.

  @melhicken - Last updated March 17 2014 07:11 AM ET

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