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Best Jobs in America

CNNMoney/PayScale's top 100 careers with big growth, great pay and satisfying work.

12.  Portfolio Manager

100 best jobs portfolio manager
Eric Wiegand, a portfolio manager with U.S. Bank's Private Client Reserve
  • Median pay: $123,000
  • Top pay: $209,000
  • 10-year job growth: 27%

Portfolio managers help people manage their money -- often people who are quite wealthy. They meet with clients to develop an understanding of objectives and then help decide the right mix of stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities or other investments to hit that goal.

What's great: Helping clients hit their goals amid the ever-changing global economy is one of the more rewarding parts of the job. "It's fascinating how dynamic the markets and economy are," said Eric Wiegand, a portfolio manager. "But it's not enough to understand any particular market or company, it's really about understanding your client." --S.H.

Quality of life ratings:
Personal satisfaction: A | Benefit to society: C | Telecommuting: B | Low stress: A

Notes: All pay data from Median pay is for an experienced worker (at least five or seven years in the field). Top pay represents the 90th percentile. Job growth is estimated for 2012-22, and based on people working in broader 'job family' from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For more details, see How We Picked the Best Jobs.
Sources:, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and CNNMoney research
  @CNNMoney - Last updated May 09 2017 01:24 PM ET

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