1. Hong Kong

gallery working cities hong kong

Hong Kong has the hardest working people in the world. They clock in 2,606 hours per year.

"All workaholics should move to Hong Kong, where working hours average over 50 per week, with only 17 days of [paid] holiday annually," said UBS in a report analyzing work and earning patterns in 71 global cities.

By comparison, Parisians put in just 1,604 hours each year. That's about 1,000 hours fewer than the residents of Hong Kong, and works out to roughly 35 hours per week.

First published September 19, 2015: 1:21 PM ET
Source: UBS "Prices and earnings 2015" report.
Average annual working hours were calculated by tallying the number of hours worked per day, and the number of days worked per week. Vacation and legal holiday time were deducted to reach the final figures.

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