I've gone 'all temp'

Forget employees. These businesses rely entirely on freelancers. That means no taxes, unemployment insurance or labor regulation.

Just the work we need

sam brasseale temp
  • Entrepreneur: Sam Brasseale
  • Company: Freshfully
  • Industry: Fresh food delivery
  • Freelancers: 16

Our startup serves people across the South by giving them access to fresh, locally-grown food.

To do that, we need to be everywhere. But we haven't made a profit yet, so we can't spend lots of money.

Hiring freelance foodies lets us do that. These bloggers (we call them Locavores) help us draw attention to the importance of supporting local farmers. We tap into their knowledge about their area, and they provide keen advice about local restaurants and farmer's markets.

It only costs us $15 for each blog post, about $1,920 a month. We can't hire them full-time, because as a startup, we can't afford it. Besides, there isn't enough work for them anyway.

The only employee who resembles a full-timer is our grocery buyer, but she's an independent contract worker too. That saved us from the burden of paying an extra $10,000 in taxes and benefits.

Editor's Note: An earlier version of this story included The Marketing Zen Group and CEO Shama Kabani. It incorrectly identified her employees as freelancers. The company maintains a virtual office and employees work from home. However, they are not independent contractors, and Kabani does indeed pay taxes on their labor.
  @Jose_Pagliery - Last updated March 21 2013 09:33 AM ET

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