The terrible news about teeth, how to hire a criminal, a cheer for the sweatshops, and other matters. A CIVIL RIGHT THAT DIDN'T QUITE MAKE IT

(FORTUNE Magazine) – PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- A federal judge has ruled that Moonstone Beach is . . . not ((for)) nudes. U.S. District Judge Ernest C. Torres refused Monday to grant an injunction that would have required the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to remove a fence it has erected at Moonstone. The fence protects the nesting area of two endangered species, the piping plover and the least tern. The New England Naturist Association ((sued)) the federal government charging the fence violates its members' constitutional rights ((to use)) public land . . . Torres ruled ((that)) ''while nudity in the privacy of one's own property and nudity in the context of artistic expression may be protected, it seems & clear that nude sunbathing on a public beach is not a right of constitutional dimension.'' -- From a UPI dispatch.