The simplest health insurance plan, remembering turtles, religion on the dole, and other matters. GREAT MOMENTS IN NATURE STUDIES

(FORTUNE Magazine) – CHRISTIANA, DEL. -- Plans to build a $25 million highway may be delayed beyond a deadline for obtaining federal funds over fears that a species of turtle is threatened by the project. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials say a turtle found in . . . wetlands that would be affected by the project is a bog turtle, ((which is)) a member of an endangered species. State highway and environmental officials . . . disagree, and say the fist- sized creature is a spotted turtle, a more common species . . . Highway officials fear further study may delay construction ((and say)) the debate over the turtle could delay the issuance of a permit . . . But Lorraine Fleming of the Delaware Nature Society said, ''When in doubt, let's have a study.'' -- From a UPI dispatch.