Democrats and their girlfriends, sore horses in Ohio, the trouble with Our View, and other matters. POLITICS 101

(FORTUNE Magazine) – Who are those guys? We allude to the six (as of 5 P.M., September 24) shadowy characters competing for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, collectively the subject of the following pop quiz. (1) Which of the six is repeatedly identified as ''the white Jesse Jackson'' (7 points for a correct answer)? (2) Which has the richest girlfriend (11 points)? (3) When you are searching in the Nexis database, which one's name appears repeatedly (259 times) within 30 words of ''moonbeam'' (no credit given for this excessively easy one)? (4) Who is known as ''George McGovern with hair'' (9 points)? (5) Which one keeps changing his hair-do and yet it still looks weird (11 points)? (6) Which one was employed by an organization heavily funded by Charles F. Keating of S&L infamy (18 points)? (7) Who wrote in 1981 that the first step in turning back the Communist threat was to stop ''exploitation'' by heartless capitalists (9 points)? (8) Which one repeatedly signals his concern for the little guy, or at least that seems to be the point, by calling the President ''George Herbert Walker Bush'' (13 points)? (9) Which one, before announcing his candidacy, was asked by a reporter whether he was thinking of running and replied, ''I am not un-thinking about it'' (9 points). (10) To which was the New York Times referring when it quoted a publicist as stating that this candidate is the one best positioned to raise big bucks in the liberal Hollywood community because ''he's young, he's attractive, he's a war hero, he slept with a movie star, and he's got a good haircut'' (13 points)? Answers appear on the following page. If you score 65 or higher, you figure to be way ahead of all the other kids on the block but are not guaranteed to be employable in the productive sector.

ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ (1) Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa has won this appellation by positioning himself as the leftest-leaning member of the pack. (2) The clear winner is Governor Doug Wilder of Virginia, his lady having received a settlement from media mogul John Kluge in which she gets to keep all the income (although not the capital) from $1 billion for the rest of her life. (3) Ex-guv Jerry Brown of California. (4) Harkin -- who is proud of the label. (5) Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas, whose various hair styles have been a recurrent issue in his state's politics. (6) Jerry Brown worked for Mother Teresa, a major beneficiary of Keating. (7) Ex-Senator Paul Tsongas said it in a 1981 book entitled The Road From Here. (8) Harkin again. (9) Political junkies will identify the quote as vintage Jerry Brown. (10) Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, long a pal of screendom's Debra Winger.