Check Up On Who Has Teed Off
By P.B. Gray

(FORTUNE Magazine) – Gumshoes, ex-wives, and investors take note: Through a website called the Golf Handicap and Information can get the goods on any golfer: handicaps, most recent rounds played, home courses, even scores.

Take Scott McNealy, chairman and chief executive of Sun Microsystems. With a handicap of 2.6, the guy is no duffer. A member of five clubs including the prestigious Stillwater Cove Golfing Society in Northern California, he played four times in the first ten days of September, with scores ranging from 77 to 84. Microsoft's Steve Ballmer is another hard-driving guy, with a 16.5 handicap and membership in two Seattle clubs. His last game was Oct. 5, when he scored a 95. GE's Jeff Immelt boasts a handicap of 10.5, but it seems Warren Buffett has been tending to other pursuits: The last game he logged was in April at the Omaha Country Club. His handicap: 20.8.

How reliable is the information? Golfers enter their scores on computers in their clubs' locker rooms, and the online service then calculates handicaps. System tampering is rare, though "there probably are a few vanity handicaps in the system," says GHIN's Kevin O'Connor. "You can't legislate morality." --P.B. Gray