Film Review Reason No. 287 to Defund the SBA
By Jason Tanz

(FORTUNE Small Business) – In 2000, the Small Business Administration tried to launch a pilot program to provide loans to filmmakers. The program never took off, but the SBA did grant a loan to the makers of The Gristle, a film that will air on HBO on Nov. 5 and Nov. 18. Perhaps the SBA saw the tale--about a pair of African-American hospital orderlies who try to sell kidneys illegally--as a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit. Alas, it plays like a clumsy knockoff of a Quentin Tarantino movie. The plot hinges on a far-fetched coincidence: The bar where our heroes hope to make the sale is also hosting a cocaine deal on the same night. The ensuing confusion ostensibly explores the racial preconceptions of the various parties, but the film's insights--dorky white guys can still be tough! Kenny G is talentless!--are unsophisticated and condescending. Thank goodness the SBA won't be funding Gristle II. -- JASON TANZ