
(MONEY Magazine) – -- Nestle, named Stock of the Month in the April Wall Street column, actually trades in the U.S. in two forms of American Depositary Receipts, each representing a different class of shares in the Swiss company. The recently issued ADRs recommended by MONEY represent 1/100 of Nestle's so-called registered shares and are considered likely by analysts to trade more actively and command a fairer price than do the ADRs representing the company's so- called bearer shares. -- In paraphrasing remarks made by Harvard Business School professor Abraham Zaleznik in the March cover story (''How to Change Your Life and Achieve Financial Security''), we inadvertently arrived at the same phrase used in the title of a recent book on this subject. The book Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow (Doubleday/Dell, $7.95) was written by Marsha Sinetar.