By Scott Medintz

(MONEY Magazine) – Those who simply cannot get enough of Warren Buffett are in luck: Two new documentaries about the billionaire investor, Oracle of Omaha and Woodstock for Capitalists, have just been completed. Both focus on Berkshire Hathaway's 1999 shareholders meeting (which drew some 17,000 Buffett faithful) and the festival-like weekend leading up to it. Here's a guide to the two films.



Thumbnail review:

The more reverential of the two, Oracle deftly weaves together shareholder high jinks with insights on Buffett by partner Charlie Munger, Peter Lynch, the Motley Fools, writer Roger Lowenstein and Buffett's own kids.

Even fans will be surprised to learn...

that the film's soundtrack includes the ukulele stylings of Warren Buffett himself.

The faithful should plug their ears when...

shareholders say that they attend the meeting primarily to make sure Buffett and Munger look healthy. "We want to make sure they live another 10 years," says one.

How you can see it:

It's available on video at www.oracleofomaha.com for $30 plus shipping.


[Thumbnail review:]

Narrator Ian Darling, an Australian money manager who regards Buffett as his hero, attempts to explain the Buffett phenomenon to the uninitiated. An amused and amusing anthropological look at the man and his followers.

[Even fans will be surprised to learn...]

that Buffett regards the barber shop as "a place of his for relaxing and getting away from it all," according to Stan, his barber.

[The faithful should plug their ears when...]

an Omaha cab driver is quoted as saying that Buffett is only a "moderate tipper."

[How you can see it:]

You can't--yet. But www.woodstockforcapitalists.com will soon have details.