Biggest Internet cafe set
November 28, 2000: 7:39 a.m. ET
'World's biggest Internet cafe' set to open in midtown Manhattan
NEW YORK (CNNfn) - Hewlett-Packard Chairman and CEO Carly Fiorina will be on hand Tuesday for the opening of what's being called the world's biggest Internet caf�.
The easyEverything Internet caf�, set to open in Times Square this week, will feature high-speed Internet lines and 800 state-of-the-art personal computers with sleek flat screens, the caf�'s operator, easyEverything, said.
For the first week, rates will be $1 for five hours of high-speed Internet access. After the first week, rates will vary depending on the crowds � Web surfers will pay more at peak hours, from $1 for 15 minutes when the caf� is full, to $1 for five-plus hours off peak, the company said.
The caf� will also provide other peripheral services, such as CD burning and color or black-and-white printing, and will rent access to Microsoft Office 2000 at $1.50 for a 12-hour session.
For the first week, rates will be $1 for five hours of high-speed Internet access. After the first week, rates will vary depending on the crowds � Web surfers will pay more at peak hours, from $1 for 15 minutes when the caf� is full, to $1 for five-plus hours off peak.
"We want to provide fast and cheap Internet access 24 hours a day for people from all walks of life: students to commuters, business travelers to tourists, to small business owners," easyEverything founder and Chairman Stelios Haji-Ioannou said in a statement announcing Tuesday's planned opening.
Hewlett-Packard �(HWP: Research, Estimates) has been working with easyEverything on developing e-services and its Internet access. easyEverything is the first U.S. venture of London-based easyGroup, which already owns easyJet and easyRentaCar.
There are already about 15 easyEverything Internet cafes in Europe in Berlin, London, Madrid, Amsterdam, Brussels, Edinburgh and other cities. A second New York City easyEverything Internet caf� is scheduled for next year in Union Square, near the Greenwich Village neighborhood. 
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