A weekly collection of design, data and interactive links.
Nuance | Dancer interacts with geometric light shapes
Box | Projection-mapping onto moving surfaces
Fabian Oefner | Psychedelic science
Sand Flea | A jumping robot created by Boston Dynamics
Found | National Geographic's tumblr blog
Karl Gerstner | Selections from Karl Gerstner's The Forms of Colour (1986)
WWF | Large format interactive experience
Higgs-Boson | Illustrated explainer by Nigel Holmes
3D map | Real time 3D map using WebGL
OECD Better Life Index | A comparison of key factors that contribute to well-being.
Level | Real-time money meter
Moti | Smart motors and app
Sony QX100 | High quality smartphone lenses
Leica M for (Red) | Designed by Jony Ive and Marc Newson
See last week's links
Have a nice weekend!
@dubly and @talyellin