The best selling spy book on Amazon.com isn't some thriller from Tom Clancy or Ian Flemming. It's an electronic edition of the Senate's report on the CIA's brutal interrogation program, the so-called torture report.
The report, released Tuesday, costs $2.99 on Amazon (AMZN) for a Kindle edition.
Overall, it ranks 2,640 in the Kindle bookstore and is the best seller in Amazon's "intelligence & espionage" section.
The grisly report beats out other non-fiction books in the section, such as the No. 2 book, Pay Any Price, written by Pulitzer Prize winner James Risen, as well as works of fiction, such the new Kindle edition of "The Diamond Smugglers," a 1957 book by James Bond author Flemming.
Related: Torture report reveals CIA spent $300 million
That's despite the fact that there are free electronic versions of the report available from numerous sites, including CNN and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which prepared and released the 499-page report.

For those who don't want electronic versions, publisher Melville House announced Tuesday that it plans a print edition of the book to be in stores on Dec. 30. It did not announce the planned price of the book.