Sheryl Sandberg is speaking out against the Trump administration once more.
This time, the Facebook (FB) COO and "Lean In" author is calling President Trump's recent executive orders "particularly unforgiving" for women.
"Anything that pulls families apart and traumatizes kids has a huge impact on women and their children," she wrote.
Last week alone, Trump ordered the construction of a U.S.-Mexico wall, instructed federal funds to be pulled from sanctuary cities and called for "extreme vetting" of refugees from seven majority-Muslim countries.
"Frightened children have been detained in airports without their parents. People seeking refuge have been turned away and sent back to the danger they just managed to flee. This is not how it should be in America," Sandberg wrote.
She got personal in the post, explaining that her great-great-grandmother, Channa Bassa, fled Lithuania to escape religious persecution. She entered the U.S. through Ellis Island in June 1889.
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"Her courage -- and the fact that this country welcomed her -- created my family's future," she wrote. "When the United States turns away people fleeing violence or seeking new lives for themselves and their children, I can't help but think of the girls and young women whose dreams and futures and safety hang in the balance."
Sandberg details the ways in which the new executive orders worsen an already dismal outlook for many undocumented women.
"Long before this week, women -- especially undocumented women -- have been vulnerable to violence and abuse once they get here," she said. "Undocumented women rarely contact local law enforcement about crimes like rape or domestic abuse, because they fear being deported if they do."
It's the second time in the past week that Sandberg has spoken out against Trump's policies.
On Thursday, Sandberg slammed Trump's reinstatement of the global gag rule. The rule, activated by Trump last week, blocks nongovernmental organizations around the world from receiving U.S. aid if they perform abortions or discuss them in family planning.
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Though Sandberg strongly supported Hillary Clinton, she was also one of the tech leaders who met with Trump in December.
Facebook's relationship with the Trump administration is complex. Peter Thiel, its longest-standing board member, was a vocal supporter of and donor to the Trump campaign. Thiel was a member of Trump's transition team and helped wrangle tech leaders, including Sandberg, for the meeting in December.
In her post, Sandberg argues that immigrants are important to the country -- especially for the sake of innovation.
"In every generation since our country was founded, immigrants become new citizens and help us innovate and stay strong" she wrote. "How we treat some of the most vulnerable people on the planet says a lot about who we are."