Table of Contents:VOL. 160, NO. 6 - September 28, 2009 Cover story
 Is pot already legal? Medical marijuana is doing more than changing the way the drug is perceived. It's giving activists a chance to show how a legitimized pot business could work. Is the end of prohibition upon us? By Roger Parloff The Lehman crisis: One year later
Lessons of the crash of '08 It would be nice to say we've learned something. But, sorry to say, Wall Street will always be Wall Street. By Allan Sloan
"We were looking at the abyss" Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner recalls the anxious meetings among top bankers and officials racing to contain the damage.
When Wall Street nearly collapsed A year after the fall of Lehman, the people at the center of the storm share what they were thinking.
There is life after Lehman Kevin White and other alumni still profitably ply their trade. By Katie Benner and Telis Demos
Is anyone going to jail for this? Why vengeance is elusive. By William D. Cohan The 50 most powerful women
 The 2009 list By Jessica Shambora and Beth Kowitt
Queen of pop A talk with Indra Nooyi, the No. 1 Most Powerful Woman. Interview by Patricia Sellers
My work/life philosophy Three women in power share their strategies.
The enforcer She's Oracle's president and the force behind its stellar performance. But who exactly is Safra Catz? By Adam Lashinsky
The 10 most powerful women in Washington By Jia Lynn Yang with Nina Easton Feature
The capitalist who loves North Korea After making it as an entrepreneur in the U.S., James Kim is returning to Pyongyang to open a university that will offer, of all things, an MBA. By Bill Powell First
Going viral The swine flu virus appears likely to wreak more havoc in coming months than it did in the past. By Nicholas Varchaver
Book value The secret to Jamie Dimon's luster. By Jia Lynn Yang
IPOs take flight Public markets get ready for more listings. By Alyssa Abkowitz
Made in the U.S.A. Stanley Furniture is moving production of its children's line back to the U.S. By Sarah Kabourek
Meet the new owners of the Cubs The Ricketts family takes control of the storied Chicago team. By David Whitford
How I got started A poor LSAT score led John Schnatter to found Papa John's pizza.
100 best companies to work for Boston Consulting Group, No. 3, helps women get ahead. By Christopher Tkaczyk Technology
 How one city got smart San Francisco is using advanced technology to turn the city into one of America's greenest. By David Ewing Duncan
The best advice I ever got Applied Materials CEO Mike Splinter. Life at the top
Wine buying for vultures Undertones of overproduction and a whiff of desperation have created the perfect climate for finding record low prices. By Jeffrey M. O'Brien
Cabin fever Craig Barrett spent three decades in Silicon Valley, but now the former Intel chief is off to greener pastures - iterally. By Jennifer Reingold
Road warrior Kendall-Jackson founder Jess Jackson. By Scott Gummer
Is the rally for real? Stocks have been on a record run. We ask the experts where they go from here. By Scott Cendrowski
Ready for a refresh If businesses start buying PCs again, expect the resurgence in Dell shares to continue. By Michael V. Copeland
Analyst face-off Can Sprint recover? By Scott Cendrowski | |
Teen retailer's results also hurt by falling sales, gross margins. |more|