What famous people are leaving to their kids For some, the gift that keeps on giving is a moral foundation, not money.
(MONEY Magazine) – While you're wrestling with what to pass on to your kids (see the preceding story), you can weigh what some well-known Americans are leaving to theirs. David Robinson, 28, multimillionaire center for the San Antonio Spurs (one child, age one): " My wife Valerie and I are planning to leave some -- but not all -- of our estate to our son and any additional children we may be blessed with. A significant portion of our estate will go to the David Robinson Foundation, which will benefit needy individuals." Robert Fulghum, 56, author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten (four children, 34, 33, 30 and 26): "Sudden wealth can be unbelievably destructive. My wife and I have decided to give each of our kids money now -- $20,000 a year for five years -- to pay debts, to further their education, to help them buy homes and to have some fun. We will leave behind $1.2 million in trust for the education and housing of our grandchildren and for the Fulghum Family Foundation for social purposes." Bill Gates, 38, chairman of software giant Microsoft and ranked by Fortune as second only to John Werner Kluge as the richest person in America (no children): "Assuming I still have a lot of money by the time I retire, which is no certain thing, I will give away well over 90% ofit, since I don't believe in kids having too much money. I am like my friend Warren Buffett in this respect." (Buffett, 63, billionaire Omaha investor, the third richest person in America, according to Fortune, and father of three children, 40, 39 and 35, has said that having put them through college, he would leave them "enough money so that they would feel they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing." For a college graduate, he said, "a few hundred thousand dollars" is about right.) Alex Trebek, 53, host of Jeopardy (two children, seven and three months): "I hope to leave them a thirst for knowledge and a charitable outlook toward others." , Jonathan Pond, 48, leading financial planner and author of 10 books on personal finance (two children, six and three): "It would be wonderful if I could provide the wherewithal for them to select careers that benefit mankind. I am constantly asked, 'What is the optimal amount to leave a child?' I think it's half a million in current dollars, which will provide about $25,000 in annual income. This is not enough to spoil the child, but it would allow the child to do some good work, like teaching or public service, that is not financially rewarding." Naomi Judd, 48, chart-topping country singer (two children, 29 and 25): "Acres and acres of beautiful Tennessee farmland, personal treasures such as scrapbooks of family photos and memorabilia, and a name they can be proud of." Jane Bryant Quinn, 55, well-known business journalist (two children, 31 and 26, and three stepchildren, 43, 42 and 33): "My husband and I are helping our children with down payments for homes and tuition for college. They are, in effect, getting part of their inheritance early. This compensates children for parents living longer today." Sinbad, 37, comedian and actor (two children, eight and five): "Not enough to damage themselves." Dave Barry, 46, syndicated newspaper columnist (one child, 13): "I'm going to leave my son detailed instructions on making regular payments for the rental tuxedo that I'll be wearing in my grave." |