Table of contents: VOL. 34, NO. 11 - November 1, 2005
Why It's Not What You Expect (more)

How to find a new car with space, style and performance--without paying for it at the pump (more)
Uncle Sam's prescription benefit plan is a masterpiece of confusion. But it just might save you--or someone you love--a bundle on health-care costs. (more)
Elizabeth and Daniel Dillon opened their hearts, their home and their wallets to a New Orleans mom and her kids left homeless by Hurricane Katrina--without realizing their own finances were in shambles too (more)
THE U.S. TREASURY RECENTLY UNVEILED A NEW TEN-DOLLAR BILL. It's pretty nice, but we asked some of the world's most creative people if they could do better. They could. (more)
If your idea of retirement is expanding your horizons, where better than in a college town? (more)
As retirement changes, so must your investing strategy. Here's how to get it right. (more)
For some retirement investors, stocks, not mutual funds, should be the assets of choice (more)
Know what you're retiring for, and life after work can be sweet (more)
Major changes are on the way to protect your 401(k)--from you (more)
Wood, cement, roofing: up, up, up. Is it time to rethink your renovation? (more)
Buying property with family or friends: a blessing or a curse? The right due diligence makes all the difference. (more)
Four great American homes, built or made over at prices you won't believe (more)
how i did it
With a little help from a lot of friends, a doctor turned an abandoned K Mart into a field hospital for victims of Hurricane Katrina (more)

With the prospect of two pensions, the Herberts can load up on stocks. Just not a single one. (more)
A new way to look at fund expenses shows that you could be paying almost 10 times more than you think (more)

When it comes to their own money, Wall Street pros know better than to listen to Wall Street hype. Learn from what they do, not from what they say. (more)
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Four things to do when a pal asks for a loan (more)
Time to stop ignoring that thick packet of paperwork from HR (more)
As shared custody grows more common, more and more men feel the financial pain of single parenthood (more)
Low teaser rates and other deals sound great, until you find out what you're really paying--if you find out (more)
In the weird world of credit rating, prudence isn't always rewarded. These tips will help boost your grade. (more)
A five-step plan for delivering on time, every time (more)
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Want to keep your info private? Shred it. We test five machines to see which is the real cutup. (more)
Wireless carriers want to put CNN, ESPN and Jon Stewart on your cell phone. Our expert does some channel surfing. (more)
Instead of owning a second home outright, more people are sharing the cost to get all the benefits (more)

Our reporter is on a long-term mission to find one useful direct-mail offer--just one. This month's dispatch: credit insurance. (more)
Should Rich Seniors Get a Cheap Lunch Just for Being Old? (more)
The Case of the Reappearing Tax Bill (more)
A law makes it easier for get-out-of-debt firms to thrive. Be afraid. (more)

A claims adjuster wading through the hurricanes' wake reveals how to get more from your home policy (more)
Today you can hire someone to do just about anything, from writing your letters to buying you a car. Worth it? (more)
When you are just starting out or finally starting to get serious about saving, the basics will get you far. Here are more than a dozen tips that will help you lay the base for building your net worth. |more|