Where would you wake up? Luxury apartment in Dubai $16M Lakeside mansion with pool $120M Mansion in Santa Barbara $85M Palatial Hamptons rental $400k Condo in NYC's West Village $21M Japanese-style estate with lake $70M
Your ride? Subway car $2.75 Porsche 911 Turbo convertible $145k Bombardier BD-700 Global Express $45M Chauffeured Cadillac Escalade $71,695 Hybrid Toyota Lexus $60,430 G-series Mercedes SUV $130k
Where's lunch? McDonald's $12 Outback Steakhouse $70 The French Laundry in Napa $700 Charity lunch with famous designer $60k Nobu Los Angeles $250 Balthazar restaurant in New York City $200
It's good to give to others. Your gift: Four-bedroom home for your sister $500k Endowment to Human Rights Watch $100M Rolls-Royce Phantom for your spouse $475k Diamond-encrusted Barbie for your kid $80k Andy Warhol painting for your toddler $14k Donation to your own foundation $12M
You need a vacation. Where to? Coachella $799 Private island in the Bahamas $228k Sausage festival in Austria $125 Skiing in Switzerland $60k Trek through Antarctica $65k The beach in Bora Bora $10k
Where will you spend the evening? Metropolitan Opera's opening night $3,115 New York's Standard Hotel $300 Hollywood's Chateau Marmont $5,300 Aboard a yacht with friends $50k The movies with a date $14.75 A birthday party (for yourself) $3M
Why not splurge a little on yourself too? Get a... Hawaiian island $300M Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper $250M Black Volkswagen GTI $25k Jorge Adeler cocktail ring $12,365 Basketball team $280M Modest five-bedroom house $258k