Hundreds of books, some obscure titles and some bestsellers, are caught up in the deepening feud between Amazon and the book publisher Hachette.
The two companies are at odds over e-book pricing and other terms. Amazon has been pressuring Hachette to accept its terms -- consequently, some Hachette books are listed as "out of stock" on Amazon while others are subject to long delays and disadvantageous pricing.
Amazon, for its part, says that its negotiations with suppliers like Hachette are pro-consumer: "Negotiating for acceptable terms is an essential business practice that is critical to keeping service and value high for customers in the medium and long term."
In the meantime, here are eight examples of books that are being punished:
• The Closer -- a new autobiography by Mariano Rivera. Amazon's Web site shows that the hardcover is subject to a 1-to-4-week shipping delay.
• The Pink Suit-- a new novel by Nicole Mary Kelby. Amazon says the hardcover is subject to the same 1-to-4-week delay as "The Closer." And it is listed at $26 on Amazon, without any of the usual discounts for new and noteworthy books. It is listed at $16.85 on Barnes and Noble's Web site. Kelby told Reuters "we're being used as a bargaining chip."
• To Rise Again at a Decent Hour -- a new novel by Joshua Ferris. It was deemed an Amazon "must read" for May. But it's listed at full price just like "The Pink Suit," or $26. It is listed at $16.90 on Barnes and Noble's site.

• Sons of Wichita -- a brand-new book about the Koch brothers by first-time author Daniel Schulman. Amazon says the hardcover is subject to a 2-to-4-week shipping delay.
"As a first-time author, you have so much to prove -- that you can produce a good book, but then that it can actually sell," Schulman told Al Jazeera. "If my book isn't seen as a success, regardless of the reason, it can affect my ability to sell a second one."
• Good Talk, Dad -- a brand-new father and son memoir by television journalists Willie Geist and Bill Geist. Amazon says the hardcover is subject to a 1 to 4 week shipping delay.
• Alex Cross, Run -- one of James Patterson's many novels in the Cross series. Amazon says the mass market paperback is subject to a 2-to-4-week delay. Patterson wrote on his Facebook page: "What I don't understand about this particular battle tactic is how it is in the best interest of Amazon customers. It certainly doesn't appear to be in the best interest of authors."
• The Silkworm -- a pseudonymous novel from J.K. Rowling, due to be released on June 19. It cannot be preordered on Amazon.
• The Burning Room -- a highly-anticipated novel from Michael Connelly, due to be released on November 3. It also cannot be preordered on Amazon.
Full disclosure: I'm a Hachette author. Grand Central Publishing, an imprint of Hachette, published my book "Top of the Morning" in hardcover last year and in paperback this month. The book has not been delayed by Amazon, but the sales price has been affected.