'Charlie Hebdo' selling for hundreds of dollars on eBay

What is Charlie Hebdo?
What is Charlie Hebdo?

The most recent edition of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo is becoming a pricey collector's item.

There were at least seven copies for sale on eBay less than 24 hours after gunmen opened fire at the magazine's Paris office Wednesday. The attack left 12 people dead, including editor and cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier, who is known as "Charb."

At least 26 people have bid for one copy of the magazine, the highest offer topping $100 with nearly three days left in the auction. Other copies could be bought immediately on the site for prices ranging from $190 to $595.

This particular edition of the weekly satirical magazine was published the same day as the attack.

charlie hebdo auction
One of several copies of Charlie Hebdo being auctioned on eBay.

The 40-year-old publication is no stranger to controversy. It has a reputation for criticizing politicians, other public figures, and religious icons and symbols. Its cartoons mocking Islamic extremism have angered some Muslims over the years and made it a target for attacks in the past.

So far, it is unclear who is responsible for Wednesday's shootings.

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