Ira Brezinsky has no doubt that his RadioShack stores will survive even if the electronics chain disappears.
After selling electronic goods for nearly a century, RadioShack filed for bankruptcy Thursday.
But about 20% of RadioShack's roughly 5,000 stores worldwide are run by independent franchisees. Brezinksy owns two of them -- one in Brattleboro, Vt., and another in Greenfield, Mass.
Unlike the troubles at parent company RadioShack, Brezinsky's stores have been busy lately.
"We happen to be doing pretty well and I know plenty of other franchise owners who are too," Brezinsky told CNNMoney. "We're survivors."
Brezinsky attributes his success partly to the fact that he has always wanted to resolve his customers' tech issues rather than just give the best price on batteries. That has translated to more loyal customers.
In fact, that used to be RadioShack's mantra, Brezinsky points out. He still has an old RadioShack slogan printed on his business card: "You've got questions...we've got answers."
Brezinsky would prefer to see the RadioShack name live on in some form, but he's prepared to keep his stores open under a different name.
Related: All about RadioShack's bankruptcy
CNNMoney spoke to other RadioShack franchise owners and found similar stories.
All of them have offered a variety of products beyond RadioShack-branded merchandise. Another common thread was that each of them emphasized customer service, such as helping people find the right smartphone or tablet. Many of the stores were also located in small towns where there are few other places to shop.
Russ Bracket, who owns two of the stores in Maine, said he would miss the convenience of being able to order merchandise directly from RadioShack if it went under. But he said he would be able to find what he needs from other suppliers fairly easily.
"I've built my business on other products," said Bracket, who sells offices supplies and develops photos at one of his RadioShack stores.
Other owners have branched out even more.

The RadioShack (pictured above) in Oconto Falls, a town in rural Wisconsin with about 3,000 inhabitants, does brisk business in cellphones, thanks to a partnership with the local wireless provider.
Related: RadioShack's 94 years of hits and misses
The store recently moved into a larger location in the strip mall it has called home for 16 years, said Jan Stranzs, a spokeswoman for the Oconto Electric Cooperative, which owns the franchise. Stranz says it's common for employees to help customers figure out their gadgets. It's a simple strategy that has kept bringing in more customers.
"It's busy," she said. "There are a lot of people in and out on a daily basis."

Still, Stranz said the shop has been preparing for a RadioShack bankruptcy and can operate under a new name. That means that employees like assistant store manager Lynn Wirtz (pictured above) would get to keep their job, unlike those that work at corporate-run stores.
Executives at RadioShack headquarters in Fort Worth probably wish they could be in the same boat as these franchises.
Brezinsky said that even if the RadioShack name ceased to exist, "I can tell you that we will absolutely continue to be in business."