Read the fine print. Especially if you're joining a website to cheat on your spouse.
Ashley Madison, just like every online service these days, has a long contract you never read. Privacy Policy blah blah. Terms of Service mumble mumble.
But if you look, you'll surely find horrors.
Here are a few highlights. Keep in mind, AshleyMadison.com promises its 37 million members a secure website and "100% discreet service."
1. If Ashley Madison goes bankrupt, it can sell your data.
Consumer data is valuable, and if the ship is sinking, they'll chuck you overboard. It's like the Radio Shack situation, except much worse.
Here's the language in Ashley Madison's 2,180-word privacy policy: "We may disclose and sell [personally identifiable information] in connection with the sale... of the business... including a corporate merger... restructuring, sale of assets..."
2. Users must give Ashley Madison accurate personal information.
No fake names for you! Age, financial data, and that name on your credit card have to be real.
3. There's no guarantee Ashley Madison can protect that information.
Get ready for an epic cop out. "You acknowledge that although we strive to maintain the necessary safeguards to protect your personal data, we cannot ensure the security or privacy of information you provide through the Internet and your email messages."
Yoda's wisdom rings true here. "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."
4. Ashley Madison might share your secrets with others.
The company repeatedly promises to not share confidential information with marketers. But there's a big caveat.
"We do not warrant that... any information you provide or we collect will not be disclosed to third parties."
In other words, they don't promise to not share your data.
5. If we do mess up, we're off the hook
There's not a lot you can do if the company loses your data in a hack.
"Limits on Liability. You agree that we will not be liable for any damages whatsoever... including... disclosure of... unauthorized access to ... your content."
No response yet from the company
The Canadian company that runs Ashley Madison, Avid Life Media, hasn't yet responded to CNNMoney's questions.
Here's what Joel Bernstein, an iOS developer who's familiar with these types of policies, had to say.
"The question is whether a company dealing with extra sensitive user data should be using standard liability terms. And the answer to that may be, 'Sure, as long as customers continue not reading them.'"