Google wants to help change the way computer science is depicted in the media, so the company is funding a new grant for screenwriters.
The company has teamed up with The Black List, a site that lets filmmakers share their scripts online, to look for three writers to create screenplays or teleplays that "changes the image of computer science or computer scientists, [particularly] as it applies to women and minorities."
Each will be awarded up to $15,000 and have six months to work on their projects.
Upon completion, the writers will give Google a sample of their work along with an explanation of how the grant helped them.
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According to Google's research, "perceptions of [computer science] and computer scientists are primary drivers that motivate girls to pursue [computer science]."
"Girls who felt that television portrays programmers in a negative light were less likely to pursue CS," the company says. "If we don't address the perceptions piece for both young people and adults through mainstream media, we run the risk of undermining our other efforts in CS education."
Google (GOOGL) announced its talent search on Wednesday. The project is part of Google's larger Computer Science Education in Media initiative.