Sometimes, a simple "sigh" says so much.
On Tuesday, Megyn Kelly, the Fox News host who has stayed silent through the sexual harassment controversy surrounding her former boss Roger Ailes, posted a single-syllable tweet that spoke volumes.
First, the context: On Monday, Donald Trump had drawn fierce criticism after saying that he would advise his daughter Ivanka to find a different job if she were sexually harassed by her boss -- a comment seen as insensitive to sexual harassment victims.
Related: Donald Trump says he hopes daughter 'would find another career' if sexually harassed
On Tuesday morning, Trump's son Eric made matters worse when he said that "Ivanka is a strong, powerful woman" and "wouldn't allow herself to be subjected to [sexual harassment]."
And that is when Kelly tweeted a simple response: "Sigh."
What Kelly's "sigh" said: That Eric Trump, like his father, was tone-deaf -- he didn't understand that sexual harassment isn't something a woman can simply resist or ignore, but rather something that has a profoundly negative affect on her life and her career.
But it said something about Kelly, too. Despite staying silent about the sexual harassment allegations against Ailes, Kelly has cooperated with the lawyers investigating the former Fox News chief's past behavior. Sources with knowledge of the matter say she's informed them about unwanted advances by Ailes dating back a decade, a few years after she joined Fox.
Privately, Kelly is said to welcome Ailes' ouster. For -- as her tweet on Tuesday shows -- she takes the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace very seriously.