A new show will be debuting when longtime NPR talk show host Diane Rehm retires.
WAMU has announced a live two-hour daily show titled "1A" which will be hosted by Joshua Johnson.
Billed as "a new show for a changing America," "1A" will succeed "The Diane Rehm Show" and "take a deep and unflinching look at America, bringing context and insight to stories unfolding across the country and the world."
"My professional passions have always centered on creativity, exploration and service," Johnson said. "This moment in history demands these attributes of us. It's a chance to tell stories more creatively, to explore ideas beyond our own, and to refocus on serving others."
Johnson, 36, is the host and co-creator of the radio series "Truth Be Told" which focuses on race in America.
According to WAMU, the title of the new show is inspired by the First Amendment and will explore everything from race to technology and pop culture.
Rehm, 80, has been a mainstay of the midday radio talk show circuit since 1979.
Earlier this year Rehm talked to the podcast The Pub about who she hoped would replace her.
"I have held this microphone for 37 years, and it seems to me that it was time to turn it over to someone else, to a younger person with fresh ideas, with a fresh outlook as to what this program might become," she said. "This 10-to-noon real estate in public radio is extraordinarily valuable, and whatever might come next will be fresh and new, and will draw new listeners, perhaps younger listeners."
"1A" will premiere January 2.