President Donald Trump has canceled multiple open press events this week, opting not to let reporters into the room to ask questions.
The moves have allowed the president to avoid questions about a litany of issues, including the Wikileaks CIA dump and Trump's accusation -- made without evidence -- that former President Obama had wiretapped him in Trump Tower.
On Tuesday, the White House canceled a scheduled Oval Office press event known as a "pool spray" with Trump and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. On Thursday, it canceled one that was scheduled to take place during a luncheon with members of Congress.
White House deputy press secretary Stephanie Grisham said the cancellations "were game time decisions" made by her.
"I determined the rooms were too full to accommodate press and equipment," she told CNNMoney. "I'm sure many of your colleagues could attest to this AM's spray and how packed the room was."
Trump did hold one open press event on Thursday. When asked about the Wikileaks matter by a reporter, he smiled and did not respond.