Down we go

jeep cherokee offroad downhill

Then there were the steep -- and I mean really steep -- uphill grades covered in loose dirt.

Even worse were the steep downhill grades covered in the same deep dust. Fortunately, the Trail Hawk's nose and tail are shaped for steep climbs. Also, it has a sort of ultra-slow off-road cruise control system that maintains speeds of just a couple miles an hour without the driver having to work the gas and brakes. Those systems work even when the nose is pointed almost straight down at the ground.

Now, the trick here is that all this was done in the "Trail Rated" version of the Cherokee while the on-road drives were done in the regular version not designed to climb canyon walls. That leaves open the question of how the Cherokee Trail Hawk would handle smooth asphalt. I'd guess it wouldn't feel too bad but, I confess, I can't honestly tell you.

First published September 30, 2013: 7:35 AM ET

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