12 fun cars for sale at Pebble Beach

1908 Stanley Steam Racer

gallery pebble beach
  • For sale by: Bonhams
  • Est. value: $150,000 to $200,000

Today, we don't think of steam cars as fast. And, OK, this car has a 2-cylinder 25-horsepower engine, so it might not be the thing you'd want to take to "Drag Night" at the local track in 2014.

But this was a street version of Stanley's successful race car known as the "Woggle Bug." (I know. Intimidating, right?) A courageous Stanley employee took that car up to 127 miles an hour. The "Woggle Bug" also set land speed records.

First published August 12, 2014: 4:15 PM ET

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