12 fun cars for sale at Pebble Beach

1911 Mercer Runabout

gallery pebble beach
  • For sale by: RM Auctions
  • Est. value: $2.5 million to $3.5 million

This is, essentially, a 1911 version of a Chevrolet Corvette.

This Mercer Runabout was one of the great American sports cars of its era. This was a car for people who wanted to do more than just putter into town or take a leisurely Sunday drive. This was a lightweight purpose-built car to drive fast and win races. It used high compression and good airflow to get 58 horsepower from its small engine, enough to wring stirring performance from this small machine.

Many of the great racers of the day, including Barney Oldield and Ralph DePalma, drove Mercers.

First published August 12, 2014: 4:15 PM ET

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