Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport

Best beaches near airports Bang Saen Bangkok Thailand
Bang Saen beach, near the city of Chon Buri, is largely overlooked by foreign tourists.

Thailand's picture-postcard beaches of azure water and snow-white sand may be out of range for a quick jaunt, but Bang Saen beach offers a decent option about an hour's taxi ride from Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Bang Saen is a popular seaside town to the southeast, largely overlooked by foreign travelers racing to greater treasures further south.

It's got light sand, gently-lapping Gulf of Thailand water, palm-backed beaches and plenty of eating shacks. The southern end around Wonnapa Beach is peaceful.

If you've got the time and cash, a plane hop straight from the airport to Ko Samui takes just over an hour -- though flight times are more restrictive.

First published July 11, 2017: 8:06 AM ET

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