World's top companies for R&D

These 10 global companies are investing the most in innovation, according to a European Commission report.

10.  Pfizer

top companies invest pfizer
  • R&D investment: $7.6 billion
  • 1-year growth: -14%

The maker of Viagra and cholesterol drug Lipitor, Pfizer (PFE) is the biggest drug maker in the U.S., but has been cutting back sharply on R&D investment in recent years without damaging its pipeline.

Source: EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard
The EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard is published annually. It's based on 2,000 companies around the world who account for more than 90% of total corporate R&D spending. It measures the cash investment funded by the companies themselves, excluding R&D funded by contracts with third parties such as governments or other firms. The data is taken from the most recent annual reports, usually for the 2012 calendar year or fiscal 2012/13. The companies are based in the EU (527), the U.S. (658), Japan (353) and other countries (462) including China, South Korea, Switzerland, India, Canada, Australia, Israel, Norway and Brazil. The survey was published in euros, based on exchange rates at December 31, 2012. CNNMoney used a rate of $1.32 to convert from euros.
  @MarkThompsonCNN - Last updated November 21 2013 01:25 PM ET

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