Women can't be traders ... because they breast feed

dumbest moments in business paul tudor jones

No one outside of Wall Street knew Paul Tudor Jones' name until April, when The Washington Post revealed a choice quote from the billionaire hedge fund manager.

"You will never see as many great women investors or traders as men. Period. End of story."

OK then!

It was, obviously, not the end of the story for Jones, who had been "trying" to say that children are a career killer. He backtracked after his comments went viral and also tried to clarify by saying his "off the cuff remarks" were about global traders who are on call all the time.

But you can only recover so much from comments like these: "As soon as that baby's lips touch that girl's bosom, forget it." - J.P.

First published December 18, 2013: 6:38 AM ET

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