12. Boston Consulting Group

top new grad employers

Every project here follows the consultancy's PTO (predictability, teaming, and open communication) policy, which aims to rethink work processes to allow for work-life balance and make the work itself more meaningful. Internal surveys show that the program has led to a 74% increase in reported intentions to stay with the company for the long term.

BCG is among the 28 companies that signed the White House Equal Pay Pledge when it was announced this month. That means it's committed to working toward wage fairness to all workers. --B.B.

First published June 29, 2016: 2:49 PM ET
Data source: Universum Global

How we pick the Top Employers for New Grads: Think of it as a popularity contest for companies: Every year research firm Universum Global ranks the most desirable employers, based on where undergraduate students around the world say they'd most like to work after graduation. More

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