Why these business owners are hiring (well, most of them)

Fiscal cliff, be damned. Sure, they hate the uncertainty in Washington, but some of America's top entrepreneurs say now is a great time to hire new talent.

'We constantly innovate through hiring'

Lexy Funk

"We are in the business of bringing creativity to our customers, so we are always in flux and always looking for the most talented people. This week, we are hiring two designers and working to bring on talented people.

"We think that by constantly innovating through hiring, we can actually build our business, since we will be making a more unique product. What scares me is being stagnant and having the same drone product -- but we ensure that this doesn't happen by hiring. It's a little contradictory, but it works."

  @CNNMoney - Last updated December 17 2012 11:37 AM ET

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