Not many companies can say they had a direct hand in building America's financial sector, but that's just one of this New York law firm's claims to fame.
The firm, formed in 1830 by Don Graham and his cousin, codified the country's banking laws. It also drafted the charter for Farmer's Loan and Trust Company, which later became Citibank, and it helped with Fidelity Investment's foundational documents.
While no decedents from those early days currently work at the firm, partner Carl Ruggiero said the history lives on through its company culture.
Everyone sees themselves as trusted advisors to their clients, rather than big-shot attorneys, says Ruggiero, similar to how lawyers thought of themselves centuries ago. The firm isn't trying to make the most money or become the largest company.
"It's not eat what you kill," says Ruggiero.
There's also a commitment to continue what has come before.
"There are no prima donnas here because the firm started a long time ago," he says. "The firm doesn't belong to any of us."