Fox has sold out its ad space for the 2014 Super Bowl.
Fox Sports said, in a news release, that ads sold out one month ahead of last year. The broadcaster also said that 43 advertisers bought ads ranging from 30 seconds, which is the standard format, to two minutes.
Altogether, there is about 32 minutes and 30 seconds of ad time during the game, with some of the last available 30-second units selling for up to $4.5 million, according to an industry source.
That breaks the last year's record of $4 million for a 30-second ad.
Brad Adgate, research director for Horizon Media and an expert in media advertising, said the price for the spots is driven by an increase in NFL ratings this season and the fact that Super Bowl has averaged more than 100 million viewers over the past four years.
Advertisers include Anheuser-Busch InBev (AHBIF), Butterfinger, Chevrolet, Doritos of Frito-Lay, GoDaddy.com, Hyundai (HYMTF), Intuit, (INTU) Jaguar, Mars, Oikos, PepsiCo (PEP) and Wonderful Pistachios, according to Fox Sports. General Motors (GM) has also said it would advertise.
The game will be played at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J.