Fumble! The CEOs of Sprint and T-Mobile brawled publicly on Twitter during the Super Bowl, in a fight over their respective advertisements.
T-Mobile (TMUS) CEO John Legere took his first shot after Sprint's commercial aired, tweeting: "Half-assed commercial, half-assed data speeds. #typical @sprint. #SprintLikeHell."
Legere was referencing a Sprint ad that offered to cut the bills of Verizon and AT&T customers in half if they switched carriers.
"Dear Verizon (VZ) and AT&T (T), Sprint would like to apologize for calling you a ..." the ad said before cutting away to a bleating sheep. T-Mobile was not mentioned.
Meanwhile, Sprint (S) CEO Marcelo Claure was busily retweeting user comments that praised his company's ad, or bashed a T-Mobile spot featuring Kim Kardashian.
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The T-Mobile ad featured Kardashian in a spoof public service announcement: "Each month, millions of gigs of unused data are taken back by wireless companies -- tragic. Data you paid for that can be used to see my makeup, my backhand, my outfits, my vacations, and my outfits. Sadly, all lost. Please help save the data."
Claure used an image to respond to Legere's "half-assed" tweet. The message was: "Never sacrifice your class to get even with someone who has none. Take the high road."
Legere responded, "Oh look! You learned how to use the "respond" button. I thought you only knew how to use the retweet button."
The Twitter fight showed no signs of slowing. Even after the clock expired, Legere was still firing off messages.
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