Reddit turned 10 this week.
The sprawling online community of discussion forums now has more than 36 million user accounts. Most of us have probably spent way too much time going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole on Reddit, sometimes forgetting to eat or missing sleep.
More than 850,000 subreddits have been created over the past decade, spawning over 1.7 billion comments, and more than 16 billion upvotes.
Here are some of the site's most popular (PG-rated) threads, based on the number of upvotes, views and saves over the past 10 years:
"What tasty food would be disgusting if eaten over rice?"
This six-month thread has received over 38,000 upvotes and 7,800 comments. The top suggestions are all sweets: mentos, Fruity Pebbles cereal, jelly beans. Beer is the next closest contender.
"This is Carter. He knocked on my door to ask if he could have a banana then left."
It's a photo of a toddler dressed in a yellow fireman's jacket, red mittens and sleek sunglasses eating a banana while looking at the camera.
"That stare is intimidating no wonder you gave a banana," the top comment reads.
"I am Barack Obama, President of the United States -- AMA"
Three years ago President Obama made history by becoming the first commander in chief to host an AMA, short for Ask Me Anything. He spent half an hour on August 29, 2012 answering questions about why he should be re-elected, corruption, his favorite basketball player (Michael Jordan), and the White House beer recipe.
"What gif reduces you to hysterical laughter every time?"
A shelf of snacks falling on top of a guy trying to be cool, a man escaping a car pursuit wearing -- surprise! -- two buckets on his head, and a recycling truck that goes haywire.
"What free things on the Internet should everyone be taking advantage of?"
This is the most-saved comment on the site. It's a list of links that range from free media streaming platforms, to software and free classes.
Reddit has recently taken a more active role in monitoring the content on its site. The company announced this month it would ban fat-shaming threads and banned revenge porn earlier in the year. The platform has been expanding its reach in the past year too, launching a weekly newsletter, "Upvoted Weekly," and podcast, Upvoted.
Related: Reddit bans fat shaming
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