Walt Disney World has removed a bust of Bill Cosby from its Hollywood Studios theme park in Florida.
The statue had been in its Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame Plaza at the park. Among others honored there are Walt Disney himself as well as Lucille Ball, Oprah Winfrey, Bob Newhart, Dick Clark and Andy Griffith.
A Disney (DIS) spokesperson confirmed the statue had been removed Tuesday after the park closed but had no comment on the decision.
Cosby has been dogged for months with allegations from at least 25 women have made public allegations about Cosby, many of them saying he drugged them in order to have sex with them.
This week a judge unsealed a sworn deposition from a decade ago in which Cosby admitted that he had gotten Quaaludes to give to young women in order to have sex with them. But Cosby did not admit in the deposition to having given drugs to any of his accusers.

Two networks announced they were pulling reruns of his sitcom following the release of that deposition.
Related: Cosby admits he got Quaaludes to give to young women
There had been a petition calling for removal of the statue on Change.org, but it had attracted only 273 signatures before Disney's decision to remove the statue.