The late Andrew Breitbart launched his arch-conservative news site with a commitment to "the destruction of the old media guard." There's a strain of that sentiment in the latest section launched by Breitbart News.
Breitbart Tech, which went live on Tuesday, will provide a remedy to what it describes as a sickness plaguing technology and gaming journalism.
The section will be shepherded by Milo Yiannopoulos, a British journalist and a Breitbart veteran.
Yiannopoulos, 31, has earned a reputation for provocative and trollish commentary. In July, he wrote that Donald Trump would be "the first real black president."
Breitbart Tech, Yiannopoulos says, won't adhere to the politically correct standards of other outlets.
He points to GamerGate as an example of a story that he says was hijacked by "mendacious professional gender warriors" and "crazy third-wave feminists."
GamerGate refers to an amorphous online movement that purports to promote ethics in gaming journalism, but has been widely condemned for its treatment of women in the gaming community.
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The movement was in the news again this week after South by Southwest canceled a pair of gaming-related panels over threats of violence. Yiannopoulos weighed in on the controversy with a piece for Breitbart Tech titled, "The Gaming Press's Diversity Warriors Are All Talk And No Trousers."
CNNMoney reached out to Yiannopoulos via email on Wednesday to ask him why he thinks tech and gaming journalism has failed, and why Breitbart Tech will be better than its mainstream counterparts. His responses, edited for length, are below.
What do you think is making tech and gaming journalism "sick"? What are the standards that you're looking to correct?
Gaming journalism is totally broken. It's rife with sloppiness and cliquishness, saturated with snoringly boring identikit far-left politics and beset by low journalistic standards. Readers hate it. We intend to treat the subject with the respect and seriousness it deserves. And more fun! Why doesn't anyone laugh any more?
Technology journalism is in an even worse state. No serious, honest commentary on free expression and creativity, just endless, fact-free, victimhood-driven 5,000 word features on "abuse" and "harassment" that never stand up to scrutiny. Breitbart Tech will be free speech central - and we'll talk about stuff people really care about: Freedom, free speech, love, sex, death, money and porn. The only people who do that at the moment are wacky progressives pushing loopy politics and grievance culture. Readers deserve better.
Everyone else is boring. Breitbart Tech won't be.
What do you think is the biggest story in tech and gaming journalism right now? How will Breitbart cover it, and how will your coverage differ from other outlets?
GamerGate was never reported on honestly by... well, almost anyone else. Mendacious professional gender warriors were taken at their word and it became about harassment when really we should have been talking about how an entire generation of reporters got taken in by crazy third-wave feminists and bullied into throwing their own readers under the bus. We won't.
The most important issue we face is free speech online. It is being assailed on all sides: By corporations, governments, gender warriors, diversity activists, you name it. We believe that free speech is central to what the web is, and that the fragile subcultures sustained by anonymity and free speech should be cherished and protected.
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Are there any tech journalists or outlets whose coverage you respect?
MIT Technology review is generally great.
Why is Breitbart well-equipped to provide the cure for the sickness that you described?
We've assembled a crack team of fresh young reporters who haven't been poisoned by progressive hand-wringing and who really care about what they're reporting on. We've also roped in industry veterans like Richard Lewis, one of the world's leading experts on esports, to get back to reporting on real news. We'll showcase opinions that are unacceptable elsewhere in the media and widen the Overton window so ordinary people can discuss what matters to them without fear.