Like many wealthy people, Kim Kardashian collects antiques. In this case, the reality TV star and video game entrepreneur has a taste for vintage BlackBerry Bold phones, circa 2011.
Unfortunately, Kardashian may finally have run out places to get the discontinued phones, beloved for their tactile keyboards.
On Wednesday, shortly after 12 p.m. PT, Kim Kardashian tweeted, "Sooo my blackberry bold died. I can't find anymore on ebay. I knew this day would come & to be honest I'm prepared."
She continued: "Do I try a different kind of Blackberry? Or ditch it all together? Or a different phone like Samsung?" (Samsung's Twitter account chimed in: "The third thing. Do the third thing.") Kardashian later tweeted out a giant emoji of herself crying.
Related: Kim Kardashian hoards BlackBerrys
Kardashian first admitted to stocking up on the old phones -- and stockpiling them from eBay -- at a conference in 2014. She said she was hooked on the physical keyboard, which let her type faster than her iPhone, which she also carries.
"It's my heart and soul. I love it. I'll never get rid of it," Kardashian said at the Code/Mobile conference. "I have anxiety that I'll run out and I won't be able to have a Blackberry and it will go extinct."

Now Kardashian is wondering how to go in on a world without BlackBerry Bolds. She's pondering getting a second iPhone. And it's very possible at least one of her devoted 47 million Twitter followers will offer up their own old Bold.
Long struggling BlackBerry released its own Bold clone in 2014. The BlackBerry Classic is slightly larger than the Bold and runs more modern software, but has most of the same beloved features, including the keyboard.
Related: BlackBerry's new Android device billed as 'world's most secure'
But BlackBerry is hoping to convert Kardashian to something a little more modern.
"If Kim is looking to trying something new and innovative, we've got the most secure Android smartphone with DTEK50," Alex Thurber, BlackBerry's SVP of mobility solutions, told CNNMoney. "And, as a longtime fan of BlackBerry's iconic keyboard, we will be adding a physical keyboard soon!"